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Acoustic Birthday Bash


Every once in a while it’s worth throwing a show for yourself featuring some of your best friends who are also artists, and debuting new music that you’ve been working on for some time to a small intimate group of close friends and family… in your best friends basement. That was the intent behind this show.

It was an insane year, full of grief from the loss of my mother, joy from the expectation of a new baby, and a roller coaster of emotions that led to some really beautiful music. It was my first show in almost 4 years. My friend James volunteered his basement, and with a new sound system, some creative speakeasy lighting and decorations from my wife and a few rehearsals with my songwriting and music partners Joseph and Garon - my 2019 Acoustic birthday bash was born. Meant to celebrate life in all of its painful, meaningful, absolute messy glory.

I couldn’t have been more grateful that my dear friend Jacob Kongaika (also known as cubworld) opened with a few songs, as well as my musical sister, Kimberly Knighton. I sang a set of 6 songs - started out with a duet with my sister Shalia called ‘I’m better when you are around’, then took to the looper and did a cover from an artist named Kevin Garret - a song called ‘Coloring. then an original on the looper a song called Out Loud, and finished the show with three originals in high harmonies: Bookworm, Closer and In The End. This show is also where the Gregorian Chant/Hit Me Baby Britney Spears mashup was born as an encore.

I expect I’ll be doing this for many years to come. Every year a new slate of songs and experiences. Every year a growing group of family who I want to share my heart and soul with. Enjoy some of the photos and videos from the evening.

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